Thursday, June 16, 2011

MaKayla Flanagan (Full Preview)

There's a lot to be said for loving what you're doing for a living. With the economy the way it is there are so many people out of work and taking whatever job they can get just to make ends meet. I am so blessed to be doing what I love. It's sessions like this one that make me realize my passion for photography even more. I had the great pleasure of photographing Miss MaKayla Flanagan yesterday evening. She has the greatest little personality and she sure did put on a show for me. I had so much fun. Here are some of my favorites from her session. I hope you enjoy them!

Too funny! She loved this stool.

MaKayla decided to take over the bubble blowing duties :)

Little Monkey
Shaking her feathers
What a little angel

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moments to last a lifetime

As my son rapidly approaches his second birthday I find myself following him with my camera more than ever. I know from experience that with each birthday children seem to grow faster and faster. I photographed him taking his bath this morning and couldn't have imagined how much these photos would grab my heart when I saw them. I want to freeze these moments forever. It's bittersweet because as I am eager for him to grow and become his own little person I also don't want these days to end. I love being Sydney and Noah's mommy and I hope that one day they will look back on the photos I have taken of them and see the love and beauty that I see when I'm taking them. I hope you enjoy these.

 I love his innocent beauty!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tutus and Toy Soldiers Nursery Ads

I've been helping the owner of Tutus and Toy Soldiers Nursery, who also happens to be my mom, get her reborns ready to sell. Let me clarify that a little though, she handcrafts these beautiful dolls, I just photograph them. She does amazing work and I am so proud of her. She is truly gifted! Here are a few of the shots we did yesterday. It's hard to believe these are baby dolls. They look so real.